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Re: Standard coordinate system

On Fri, 13 Feb 1998 17:55:14 -0600, Tim Mooney wrote:

>Dear folks,
>Should we agree on a standard coordinate system for beamline software?

Good idea.

>1) What beamline coordinate system does your CAT use?

CMC CAT uses the same system as the  you have described. 

+Z is the beam direction, +Y is up, and +X is out from the storage
ring, making a right-handed coordinate system

>2) What is the beam direction in your CAT's user displays?

Left to right. 



Arun S. Bommannavar

Bldg. No. 433-A007                            Voice : (630) 252 - 0333
9700 South Cass Avenue                     Fax  : (630) 252 - 0339
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, IL 60439

 e-mail address

 arun@anl.gov  OR   arun@aps.anl.gov	