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PV Gateway CHANGE !!!

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After changing the APS controls subnet mask to a different value, the
PV Gateway ioc became confused. To resolve the problem, we have moved the
ioc that is providing 'PV Gateway' services to a different subnet (it had
previously been on the SRICAT subnet).

If you have been using process variables on the PV Gateway, it will no longer
work until you make the following changes ...

For UNIX Channel Access Clients ... If you wish to access PV names from 
the iocPvGateway, include the following in your .login (or type it in
manually before starting any client applications) ...

         setenv EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST ''

For IOC Channel Access Clients ... If you wish to access PV names from 
the iocPvGateway from within your ioc, add the following line in your
st.cmdmv167 script, replacing with the IP # of YOUR router ...

         #Add the following so CA has a route to the PV Gateway.
         routeAdd '0','' 

  ALSO, replace the iocInit statement with ...

         iocInit 'resource.def'

  and create a resource.def file in your boot directory containing the
  following line ...


The good news is that the REAL PV Gateway (implemented on a workstation)
will be on this same subnet, so no further changes should be necessary.
