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New info on DND Web Server

At the last beamline controls meeting, I showed a plot of the pressure
in our bending magnet monochromator chamber that is being collected
with a Linux box using the Varian Multivac controllers.  This info
is now automatically put up on the web.  If you care to view it,
it can be found under 'DND Equipment Diagnostics' off of the DND home page.
All of the software tools used to produce these plots are public domain
or shareware.

- John

John Quintana                          Internet email: jpq@nwu.edu
DND-CAT Synchrotron Research Center    Voice Phone: (708) 252-0223
APS/ANL Sector 5, Bldg. 400            FAX Phone: (708) 252-0226
9700 South Cass Avenue                 WWW: http://tomato.dnd.aps.anl.gov/~jpq/
Argonne, Illinois 60439