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PLC`s and EPS Systems

Given the fact that the EPS system is something that all CAT's are
going to have, should we consider trying to standardize on the same
PLC platform so that the interface to EPICS is the same.  Since this
is something that we need to specify in our Final Design Report,
I don't think it is too early to think about this. (Even if we don't
use exactly the same hardware, we might be able to benefit from
using the same vendor like Allen-Bradley so that the programming
tools can be reused).

- John.

John Quintana                          Internet email: jpq@nwu.edu
DND-CAT Synchrotron Research Center    Voice Phone: (708) 252-0223
APS/ANL Sector 5, Bldg. 400            FAX Phone: (708) 252-0226
9700 South Cass Avenue                 WWW: http://tomato.dnd.aps.anl.gov/~jpq/
Argonne, Illinois 60439