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EPICS course and workshop dates

Dear all,

We'd like to hold the EPICS course the week of May 15-19, so those
interested in both the Beamline Controls Meeting and the EPICS course
can make them in one trip.  I was thinking of the following very rough

Monday 5/15	EPICS end user's course
		A cursory overview of end-user tools like medm and
		selected IDL programs.  Run through of typical
		application, including use of motor and scaler
		screens, scan-support software, and the like. 

Tuesday 5/16	EPICS developer's course, Day 1
		Fundamentals, mechanical details of setting up
		prebuilt EPICS base and extensions, and prebuilt
		EPICS applications.

Wednedsay 5/17	Beamline Controls Committee meeting

Thursday 5/18	EPICS developer's course, Day 2
		Adding device and record support

Friday 5/19	EPICS developer's course, Day 3
		More dev/rec support.  Channel-access clients


Also, I'd like to float a date for the Beamline Controls Workshop.
How about some time in the week of June 12-17.  I'm aware of the CHESS
User's Group meeting June 20/21, but no other conflicts.  The length
of the workshop will depend on how many presenters and topics are suggested.
I'm thinking three days, as a first approximation.

Please let me know how these dates sit with you, the topics you'd like
to address or hear someone else address, and the amount of time you'd
like allocated to each topic.  We can finalize at the Beamline Controls
Committee meeting, but we should have firm dates before then.
