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Dear beamline_controls list members,

To use this mailing list, send the mail you want repeated to all
list members to beamline_controls@aps.anl.gov

Note that messages repeated to you by the listserver will appear to
have been sent not from beamline_controls, but from the original sender,
so if you simply reply, your reply will not be sent to all list members.
To make your reply public, send it explicitly to beamline_controls, or
use the 'Reply' command (rather than the 'reply' command) in 'mail', or
select 'Reply To All' in the mailtool, etc.

You were all subscribed involuntarily to this mail list, so I guess I'd
better tell you how to unsubscribe: send a message with the words

unsubscribe beamline_controls

to listserv@aps.anl.gov

For more information on this list server, send a blank message to

Bill McDowell has arranged for the traffic on this list to be archived.
The archive will be available via the APS World Wide Web home page,
whose URL is http://epics.aps.anl.gov/welcome.html