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RE: spec Channel Access calls timeout

As far as the second problem is concerned, we saw the same behavior.
However, the bug is known to Ron and Jerry and was fixed in version 4.4 of
the motor record.  We are presently running 4.4.2 and have not seen the
problem since we upgraded from 4.3.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Mooney [mailto:mooney@aps.anl.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 4:59 PM
To: APS Beamline Controls
Subject: Re: spec Channel Access calls timeout

I talked with Jonathan Lang, and he described two separate problems:

1) Occasionally (maybe a few times per week) Jonathan sees a timeout
message in spec's console window.  He sees the message mostly during
scaler reads, and hasn't seen any consequences other than the message.
Dean Haeffner also has seen this message at roughly the same rate, and
also hasn't seen any other consequences.  Jonathan noticed that the rate
went down when he upgraded the workstation running spec.

2) Less frequently, Jonathan and Felix Krasnicki have gotten spec, or
a motor record that spec is talking to, into a state in which the motor
doesn't respond to repeated messages from spec, and this state persists
until the motor is moved by some other client--usually medm.

Tim Mooney