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Unknown PLC Direct Shipment.

We have just received a package from PLC Direct for a number
of items that we didn't order.  I'm assuming that another
CAT ordered this stuff since at my last count there were about
5 CAT's using PLC Direct equipment, but there is no PO number and the 
only reference name is Carolyn on the packing slip.  If
you ordered this stuff (and can reasonably identify the contents),
give me a call and we will hand the package over to you.
We will send it back on Friday if noone has picked it up.

- John
John Quintana                          Internet email: jpq@nwu.edu
DND-CAT Synchrotron Research Center    Voice Phone: (708) 252-0223
APS/ANL Bldg. 432/A003                 FAX Phone: (708) 252-0226
9700 South Cass Avenue                 WWW: http://tomato.dnd.aps.anl.gov/~jpq/
Argonne, Illinois 60439