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Re: Diffraction Issues ...

original email is indented.
comments from Karen Coulter are denoted KC>.
replies from John Quintana are JQ>.

> Since sixteen people responded to my request for interest in diffraction
> issues, I thought we would start the discussions on the beamline_controls
> listserver and then see how it goes (we can always branch off onto another
> listserver if we need to, the group is too large to try and deal with
> email).  If you currently are not subscribing to the listserver, send
> email with no subject line or message to 
> listserv@aps.anl.gov and you will receive instructions on how to join.
> To start things off, I will try and distill some of the 
> conversations that I have had with people into demonstrative statements.  
> Feel free to blast away with them.   Broadly,
> the discussions I've had boil down into six areas.
> 1) Resources 
> 2) Data Formats/Transfer
> 3) Mitch's Document
> 4) Software/Data Collection
> 5) Visualization
> 6) Super/Epics
> 1) Resources:  Since resources are going to determine what we can and
> can't ultimately do, I put this at the top of the list.  Few CAT's can
> afford to have a full time programmer on staff now and that is especially
> true for operations.  Consequently, the control software effort must
> keep in mind CAT resources and have a definite end in mind.  However,
> while the resources of an individual CAT are relatively small, the resources
> of the community at large is significant if we collaborate.  Also, we
> must do as little 'reinvention of the wheel' as possible and use tools
> that the computer revolution has given us over the years.   One approach would
> be an iterative one where we take an existing command line program (e.g.
> Super), and spruce it up with an embedded language/graphical interface
> like tcl/tk and then spend our resources in phasing in capabilities
> we want and 'transmogrifing' the program.    
> 2) Mitch's Document:   Since Mitch's work comes from primarily a diffraction
> beamline, his document is extremely relevant to our effort.  He has done
> a good job in identifying the requirements of primarily a diffraction beamline
> in terms of outlining a 'top down' approach.   Mitch does a very good job
> of outlining the basic functionality of what a crystallographic package
> needs to do in terms of defining and moving in reciprocal space.  Needs
> for array storage in the data file format etc ....
> of what is below will be reiterations or elaborations of what Mitch presented.

KC> (John - I put some comments below, couldn't decide if I should put them here,
KC> or at the end.)

> 3) Software/Data Collection:
>    GUI vs. Command Line Interface:  An easy to use graphical user
>          interface is preferred, but a command line interface is
>          required that has the capabilities of an embedded macro
>          language.   Most beamline software packages do not have 
>          an easy to use user interface.  For example, spec and super 
>          both use two to three letter commands which are no longer 
>          acceptable if the application is build around an existing
>          macro language (several exist).   The syntax should follow
>          a form similar to those used by most macro languages and follow
>          more or less a 'natural language'.
>          <command> <arg> <arg> <arg>
>          (e.g. scan theta 20 30 10 steps)
>          This approach is preferred over an 'object oriented' language since
>          a user typically wants to 'do something' (e.g. 'scan theta' as 
>          opposed to 'theta scan').  The syntax also needs to be sensitive
>          to the fact that many users may not be familiar with reciprocal
>          space and the command language should not use terms which only
>          those who are 'guru's' will understand (A user shouldn't have to
>          know about reciprocal space concepts to perform a simple theta-two
>          theta scan).
>    EPICS: The EPICS tools are pretty (e.g. medm), but do not seem to be
>           well suited for dealing with control of the experiment (e.g.
>           no scan capability).   Therefore epics tools should only be
>           used when necessary or convenient and are probably more suited
>           for 'non intelligent' operations such as looking at the position
>           of two theta but not (hkl).  In addition, an alternate path should
>           be considered since the software may not be used in an EPICS 
>           environment.

KC> The EPICS sequencer program might be quite well-suited to more complicated
KC> control functions such as performing a (theta-two-theta) scan.  I believe
KC> that a library of 'diffraction activities' could be defined and implemented
KC> in a sophisticated and easy to use manner, by building on (and improving)
KC> some of the tools that are already in EPICS, rather than re-inventing the
KC> wheel.  I think Mark Rivers has demonstrated how straightforward it is to 
KC> do scans in IDL thru the EPICS channel access library for IDL.  It was my 
KC> understanding from the workshop discussions that EPICS is to be the hardware 
KC> interface mechanism for all instrumentation, so I don't understand what it 
KC> means to be outside an EPICS environment.

JQ> Unfortunately, this is a topic that I have to be a bit sensitive to. In order
JQ> to properly train my users before arriving at the synchrotron, it will be
JQ> necessary to try and get working models of the control software on platforms
JQ> where EPICS doesn't and probably never will run.  Beamline specific 
JQ> considerations (such as monitoring of vacuum systems, slits etc...) can
JQ> easily be handled by MEDM.  However, I personally feel that the device support
JQ> layer to motors etc... should be through a separate layer so that other
JQ> hardware can be accomodated in a straightforward way.   EPICS certainly
JQ> will be used at the APS, but if the code is transported to another institution
JQ> it must be portable enough to survive without EPICS and its tools.
KC> Perhaps this is a semantics problem, (which is a problem for just about 
KC> everybody when having a discussion about 'EPICS').  It is true that MEDM
KC> is NOT  intelligent about data content, thereby making it extremely
KC> flexible for looking at any kind of data in any format.  However, that
KC> does mean that it won't do any kind of data processing, even something as
KC> simple as normalizing a data point or displaying the ratio of two data pts.
KC> Any kind of processing must be already done in database records in the IOC.
KC> But this is a characteristic of MEDM, not of using EPICS.  The solution is
KC> not to make MEDM an enormous data processing program or to write a new tool, 
KC> but to exploit the programs that do data processing well (PvWave, IDL, other
KC> existing beamline programs, etc) and give them efficient access to the data.
KC> But this is still what I would consider an EPICS environment.

JQ> I agree, we are just arguing semantics here.  To me, EPICS comes in at the
JQ> hardware level.  Going directly from the IOC to and MEDM screen breaks
JQ> a layer model since if EPICS is not used, neither can MEDM.  Let me reiterate
JQ> that EPICS will be used at the APS.  I don't believe this is really a
JQ> question anymore; however, certain CAT's must take into consideration 
JQ> the possibility or eventuality that the basic software might be ported
JQ> to other systems.

>    Programming Language: FORTRAN is not a suitable language for instrument
>           control.  ANSI C and/or C++ should be used.

KC> What about all these macro languages?

JQ> This comment is more historical than anything else.  There are many programs
JQ> out there still written in FORTRAN (DAS is one of them).  Its just the
JQ> wrong language for the compiled part of the program.

>    Graphics: Yes, online and be able to plot to hardcopy as well as screen.

KC> Anything displayed on a screen under X Windows can be dumped to a hard
KC> copy.  Applications that generate screen graphics should also be able to
KC> generate postscript.  Any other hardcopy capability should be implemented on 
KC> an OS basis, and not on an application by application basis (but applications
KC> must NOT preclude making hard copies thru typical OS methods).  Using 
KC> programs like IDL and PvWave take care of this for us.

>    User Devices:  The concept within CONSOLE of giving the user simple
>           hooks in the macro language to manipulate his own hardware is
>           very attractive.  The programmer shouldn't have to get involved
>           for very simple 'unforeseen' additions to the system.
>    Expandable: Software must be expandable in an easy well defined manner.
>    Demonstration Ports: The current work on SUPER/EPICS and TCL have
>           shown the viability of EPICS as the hardware interface for
>           beamlines.  These demonstrations have shown that EPICS goes 
>           a long way to standardizing software
>           but its time to 'move on the real thing' whatever that is.
>           Sitting on the APS floor and seeing the magnets being installed
>           through the opening in the ratchet door makes me realize that
>           beam will be coming very soon.
> 4) Data Formats/Transfer:  This is a subject where one is preaching to
>           the converted, but without doubt, the community is crying for
>           some kind of data format standard.  In fact, it has reached the
>           point where a 'bad standard' is better than no standard at all.
>           I perceive that the problem is one of implementation rather than
>           specification.  However, starting with:
>           Specification:  
>                1) Definitions: We have the International Tables
>                and the IUCr for the basic definitions.  We should use them
>                (at least in the data file) and data should be stored in
>                terms of these definitions.  If the IUCr definitions are not
>                used, then annotations to what are used must be in each data
>                file stored and should be obscure enough to not confuse the
>                user.
>                2) Utilities:  Utilities must be provided to convert the 
>                data to a flat ascii file, and to some other 'standard
>                formats'.   A library of utilities will be created since 
>                conversion utilities will be created on a case by case 
>                basis for different formats. 
>                3) Platforms: UNIX, VAX, PC, Mac, you name it....
>                4) Physical Format: Unimportant provided that the format
>                is binary and routines exist to access the data via keyword 
>                etc... on any platform. 
>                5) Specification should include definitions for standard set
>                of experiments such as Crystallography, Reciprocal Space
>                Volumes, Powder Diffraction, DAFS.
>                6) Intelligence: Format should include keys for what the
>                relevant independent and dependent variables are so that
>                plotting programs can key off of them to give the user a 
>                plot which makes sense.
>                7) Stored data can include: Raw Data, Cooked Data (e.g.
>                converted to absolute units with deadtime etc... taken out),
>                of Parboiled (e.g. only deadtime correction done).
>                8) Format and Utilities must be in the Public Domain
>            Implementation: 
>                This is always the hard part (converting all those great
>                ideas into code).   The cost of implementation can be 
>                greatly reduced if an existing general file specification
>                is used (e.g. HDF) Jon Tischler has some ideas on this.

KC> Unless there are insurmountable problems with applying HDF (CDF, netCDF etc)
KC> to our anticipated experimental data, I don't see how we could possibly opt
KC> for starting from scratch and expect do any better.  A 'bad' standard that
KC> uses up development resources and isn't any better than what already exists, 
KC> is as bad as (worse than?) no standard at all.

> 5) Visualization:  The control software should not try and perform every
>          possible task.  However it must interface with other packages
>          including visualization tools such as PV-wave, IDL, Khoros, Spyglass,
>          etc....

KC> Shouldn't the software actually BE these packages, using the best features
KC> of each?

JQ> It depends on what part of the package is to be completely stand alone.
JQ> One can easily incorporate simple on-line graphics and then leave the
JQ> fancy imaging stuff to a separate third party program.  The idea here
JQ> again is portability.

> 6) Super/EPICS:  BESSR CAT has been using this program and there experience
>          seems to be that it is currently unstable from a user's perspective.
>          At times Super seems to be unaware that EPICS has hit a limit 
>          and the MEDM screen sometimes aborts when the mouse button is
>          trying to minimize it.   Super/EPICS in its current form is too
>          'spec-like' (i.e. no GUI and two letter commands)

KC> Does this mean BESSR CAT is abandoning Super/EPICS?  Is there something 
KC> inherently wrong with the approach, or is it a matter of the integration
KC> being immature?   Are they trying to fix it and having problems making
KC> it work?   

JQ> My intent here was only to reiterate comments
JQ> about the current state of diffraction software using EPICS.  Taking this
JQ> as a starting point we can decide on where we want to go.  For example, if
JQ> the basic philosophy behind Super makes it difficult to turn into something
JQ> we really want, then we should devote our resources to something that will.

> I hope there is enough here to start discussion
> - John        
KC> (comments referred to above)

KC> One shortfall of the top-down approach is that it assumes that one knows
KC> what the final product must be from the start.  It tends to lead to large
KC> monolithic programs which become inflexible over time.  I think Mitch's doc
KC> is a great start at organizing the requirements and actually getting something
KC> down on paper, but I don't think the top-down approach translates well into 
KC> program development and prototyping.  (sorry...I don't want to debate
KC> the virtues of top-down, bottom-up, inside-out, whatever).  Perhaps Mitch's
KC> doc and any additional requirements could be reviewed to see at what layers
KC> different levels of abstraction can be applied.   do we need another level 
KC> of abstraction above the epics/channel access layer?  are there certain 
KC> activities that several applications can share?  What programs already exist 
KC> that satisfy the requirements for a given activity and do these things well?
KC> Can 'the best' features of existing programs be pulled out to create 
KC> independent modules?  If so, how do they all talk to each other?  What are
KC> the pros and cons of having all capabilities bundled together vs assembled
KC> module by module?

> -- 
> John Quintana                          Internet email: jpq@nwu.edu
> DND-CAT Synchrotron Research Center    Voice Phone: (708) 252-0223
> APS/ANL Sector 5, Bldg. 400            FAX Phone: (708) 252-0226
> 9700 South Cass Avenue                 
> Argonne, Illinois 60439

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