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Diffraction Issues ...

Since sixteen people responded to my request for interest in diffraction
issues, I thought we would start the discussions on the beamline_controls
listserver and then see how it goes (we can always branch off onto another
listserver if we need to, the group is too large to try and deal with
email).  If you currently are not subscribing to the listserver, send
email with no subject line or message to 
and you will receive instructions on how to join.
 To start things off, I will try and distill some of the 
conversations that I have had with people into demonstrative statements.  
Feel free to blast away with them.   Broadly,
the discussions I've had boil down into six areas.

1) Resources 
2) Data Formats/Transfer
3) Mitch's Document
4) Software/Data Collection
5) Visualization
6) Super/Epics

1) Resources:  Since resources are going to determine what we can and
can't ultimately do, I put this at the top of the list.  Few CAT's can
afford to have a full time programmer on staff now and that is especially
true for operations.  Consequently, the control software effort must
keep in mind CAT resources and have a definite end in mind.  However,
while the resources of an individual CAT are relatively small, the resources
of the community at large is significant if we collaborate.  Also, we
must do as little 'reinvention of the wheel' as possible and use tools
that the computer revolution has given us over the years.   One approach would
be an iterative one where we take an existing command line program (e.g.
Super), and spruce it up with an embedded language/graphical interface
like tcl/tk and then spend our resources in phasing in capabilities
we want and 'transmogrifing' the program.    

2) Mitch's Document:   Since Mitch's work comes from primarily a diffraction
beamline, his document is extremely relevant to our effort.  He has done
a good job in identifying the requirements of primarily a diffraction beamline
in terms of outlining a 'top down' approach.   Mitch does a very good job
of outlining the basic functionality of what a crystallographic package
needs to do in terms of defining and moving in reciprocal space.  Needs
for array storage in the data file format etc ....
of what is below will be reiterations or elaborations of what Mitch presented.

3) Software/Data Collection:

   GUI vs. Command Line Interface:  An easy to use graphical user
         interface is preferred, but a command line interface is
         required that has the capabilities of an embedded macro
         language.   Most beamline software packages do not have 
         an easy to use user interface.  For example, spec and super 
         both use two to three letter commands which are no longer 
         acceptable if the application is build around an existing
         macro language (several exist).   The syntax should follow
         a form similar to those used by most macro languages and follow
         more or less a 'natural language'.
         <command> <arg> <arg> <arg>
         (e.g. scan theta 20 30 10 steps)
         This approach is preferred over an 'object oriented' language since
         a user typically wants to 'do something' (e.g. 'scan theta' as 
         opposed to 'theta scan').  The syntax also needs to be sensitive
         to the fact that many users may not be familiar with reciprocal
         space and the command language should not use terms which only
         those who are 'guru's' will understand (A user shouldn't have to
         know about reciprocal space concepts to perform a simple theta-two
         theta scan).
   EPICS: The EPICS tools are pretty (e.g. medm), but do not seem to be
          well suited for dealing with control of the experiment (e.g.
          no scan capability).   Therefore epics tools should only be
          used when necessary or convenient and are probably more suited
          for 'non intelligent' operations such as looking at the position
          of two theta but not (hkl).  In addition, an alternate path should
          be considered since the software may not be used in an EPICS 
   Programming Language: FORTRAN is not a suitable language for instrument
          control.  ANSI C and/or C++ should be used.

   Graphics: Yes, online and be able to plot to hardcopy as well as screen.

   User Devices:  The concept within CONSOLE of giving the user simple
          hooks in the macro language to manipulate his own hardware is
          very attractive.  The programmer shouldn't have to get involved
          for very simple 'unforeseen' additions to the system.

   Expandable: Software must be expandable in an easy well defined manner.

   Demonstration Ports: The current work on SUPER/EPICS and TCL have
          shown the viability of EPICS as the hardware interface for
          beamlines.  These demonstrations have shown that EPICS goes 
          a long way to standardizing software
          but its time to 'move on the real thing' whatever that is.
          Sitting on the APS floor and seeing the magnets being installed
          through the opening in the ratchet door makes me realize that
          beam will be coming very soon.

4) Data Formats/Transfer:  This is a subject where one is preaching to
          the converted, but without doubt, the community is crying for
          some kind of data format standard.  In fact, it has reached the
          point where a 'bad standard' is better than no standard at all.
          I perceive that the problem is one of implementation rather than
          specification.  However, starting with:
               1) Definitions: We have the International Tables
               and the IUCr for the basic definitions.  We should use them
               (at least in the data file) and data should be stored in
               terms of these definitions.  If the IUCr definitions are not
               used, then annotations to what are used must be in each data
               file stored and should be obscure enough to not confuse the
               2) Utilities:  Utilities must be provided to convert the 
               data to a flat ascii file, and to some other 'standard
               formats'.   A library of utilities will be created since 
               conversion utilities will be created on a case by case 
               basis for different formats. 
               3) Platforms: UNIX, VAX, PC, Mac, you name it....
               4) Physical Format: Unimportant provided that the format
               is binary and routines exist to access the data via keyword 
               etc... on any platform. 
               5) Specification should include definitions for standard set
               of experiments such as Crystallography, Reciprocal Space
               Volumes, Powder Diffraction, DAFS.
               6) Intelligence: Format should include keys for what the
               relevant independent and dependent variables are so that
               plotting programs can key off of them to give the user a 
               plot which makes sense.
               7) Stored data can include: Raw Data, Cooked Data (e.g.
               converted to absolute units with deadtime etc... taken out),
               of Parboiled (e.g. only deadtime correction done).
               8) Format and Utilities must be in the Public Domain
               This is always the hard part (converting all those great
               ideas into code).   The cost of implementation can be 
               greatly reduced if an existing general file specification
               is used (e.g. HDF) Jon Tischler has some ideas on this.

5) Visualization:  The control software should not try and perform every
         possible task.  However it must interface with other packages
         including visualization tools such as PV-wave, IDL, Khoros, Spyglass,

6) Super/EPICS:  BESSR CAT has been using this program and there experience
         seems to be that it is currently unstable from a user's perspective.
         At times Super seems to be unaware that EPICS has hit a limit 
         and the MEDM screen sometimes aborts when the mouse button is
         trying to minimize it.   Super/EPICS in its current form is too
         'spec-like' (i.e. no GUI and two letter commands)

I hope there is enough here to start discussion

- John        


John Quintana                          Internet email: jpq@nwu.edu
DND-CAT Synchrotron Research Center    Voice Phone: (708) 252-0223
APS/ANL Sector 5, Bldg. 400            FAX Phone: (708) 252-0226
9700 South Cass Avenue                 
Argonne, Illinois 60439